Oct. 16, 2005 Print
The leaves are turning, the walnuts are falling, the fields are being harvested. Autumn has definitely arrived. The weather has been terrific, although we could use a little rain for the perennials. I've been propagating like crazy, keeping the mats filled to overflowing. We've also packed up the barn, since we have now closed for the season, and hung the "Closed till Spring" sign out by the road. It is lovely to have the farm quietly to myself these fall days. The dahlias have waited until now to really strut their stuff--I've never seen such gorgeous colors, and am torn between leaving them in the garden to enjoy, or bringing them indoors in vases. Next year, I'll plant more, so I can do both! I've harvested the basils, and packed pesto away in the freezer. All the tender plants have been moved indoors, and we're just waiting for a good frost that will make the perennials in pots go dormant, then we'll trim those and move them into the coldframe. Meanwhile, the gardens are getting a good weeding, and I am collecting seeds as I go. Hope you are enjoying this lovely autumn weather as much as I am! Carolee