May 29, 2005 Print
A beautiful, sunny day. Had my morning tea on the deck, where I could admire the gorgeous columbines (yellow and red) the irises (yellow, bronze, gold) centurea "Gold Boullion", the burgundy foliage of the Velvet Night coral bells, the golden apricot foliage of "Amber Waves", the gold leaves of phlox "Becky Towe" and airy white tellima. I love the golden and burgundy foliage repeated throughout the garden, as it gives lots of visual interest even if nothing is in bloom. I finally got all the bulbs deadheaded, so it looks much better, but still haven't had time to get annuals planted. I'd better--garden club meets here next month!

At the farm, the gardens are getting planted and tidied. Still have to label the Moonlight garden, but all the signs needed repainting, so that slowed the process. However, the Shasta daisies are putting on quite a show, helped by the snow-in-summer, white cosmos, nicotiana, and all the silvery lambs ears. We planted cheerful, dwarf Fantasy petunias in the Children's Garden this week, and that really brightened the area. Also did more planting in the Cook's garden, and I'm adding a new bed for tea plants there, along with a section of fencing that has teapots and teacups on it.

The Purple Garden is lovely right now, with its purple alliums, various purple irises, pansies, Jacob's Ladder, etc. The Shade Garden is pretty, with the white viburnum blooms echoed in the sweet woodruff below. The Cottage Garden is filled with magenta winecups and hardy geraniums, purple and pink irises. I need to get the burgundy-foliaged dahlias planted there today.

Yesterday was Butterfly Day at the farm, and we had a great turnout! The Sweet Williams were all in full bloom, perfuming the air, and several butterflies made an appearance right on cue. We gave away lots of butterfly fans, and butterfly bubbles for the kids. Well, it's time to water, so I'd better get busy. Till next time, Happy Gardening!