Dec. 18, 2005 Print
Snowing again today, adding another layer to the white landscape. I just came in from filling the bird feeders--a daily job now that the weather is so cold, and the land is snow-covered and icy. I really enjoy watching the many feathered friends who come to visit. Especially, I like to see first-time visitors, as the number increases daily.

The greenhouses are a lovely place to spend these cold days, especially when the sun is shining. I've seeded all the pansies and violas, as well as some species primulas, that I'm going to experiment with in the new shade garden. This is in an area that has not really been planted before. We cut a path thru the woods, along the creek, when we first opened, and I stuck a few shade-lovers here and there along the path, but never really worked with it, or planned it. Unfortunately, it showed! So, last fall, I actually cleared the entire center area, created paths, cleared out more "trash" trees and actually planted it entirely. If it does well, eventually, I'll clear the outer areas and plant those as well, but somehow, right now, I like the "natural" look on the outer perimeter, which contains lots of natives like hepatica, solomon's seal, bloodroot, and WEEDS. I may just remove the weeds, and let the other things naturalize. I planted lots of spring bulbs, so I am eager to see how it looks. With all the lungworts, primulas, and other spring bloomers, it should be really nice. I'll photograph it, and put some photos here on the website.

I've been spending lots of time reading, and trying to get inspired to write articles for the newsletter (which has to go to the printer next month!!!) and the website. We hope to update the website in February, with lots of new spring-related articles. I'm also working on lists of inventory to find at the gift shows next month, so the shop can be full of wonderful products. The weeks have flown by, and I didn't even get the benching moved back into the new shade area before bad weather hit, so we'll have to do that next spring, too. It will be a hectic spring, that I'd rather not think about right now!

I repotted and watered a few amaryllis bulbs last week, so they will bloom later on, when all the Christmas decorations have been put away, and the house seems so empty. Nearly all the seed orders have arrived, and I have them filed by planting times. That's it for now. Happy Holidays, and safe traveling!