Carolee's Herb Farm

Carolee's Herb Farm

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July 18, 2005 Print E-mail
We're hoping the rain that is in the forecast finally reaches us. It is dry, dry, dry! All around us it has poured, but we've just received a light mist now and then. The gardens are holding up pretty well, but we're dragging hoses. I've been really busy since I last wrote here. We began picking lavender in earnest right after Lavender Daze, sometimes 12-14 hrs. a day! But, it is the best work ever, and I don't complain. Nothing is better than working in a field of blooming lavender! Then I traveled to Salt Lake City for a conference, and saw some great gardens. When we got back, Hurricane Dennis was supposed to bring us lots of rain, so I picked lavender every waking hour (and sometimes in my sleep!) so it wouldn't get ruined by days of rain. However, the rains never came. We've tried to do some weeding, but the ground is so hard, it is slow. We'll hopefully catch up soon. In the meantime, we are planning to move all our perennials out of the current sales area, in anticipation of new shade houses being built, weeding gardens, and dead-heading flowers. I also want to get more lavenders planted. Hope your garden is thriving, wherever you are. Hugs, Carolee