Carolee's Herb Farm

Carolee's Herb Farm

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March 15, 2009 Print E-mail

It's a beautiful sunny day, mid-fifties, and I am looking forward to spending most of the afternoon in the greenhouse, seeding annuals and watering the thousands of seedlings that are already growing there.  This has been a busy, busy week.  I finally saw robins, a bluebird, and am enjoying the patches of yellow crocuses that were blooming when I returned from a speaking trip last week.  The cool temperatures are making them last extra long, I think.  I seeded and transplanted frantically before I left again, this time for the Michigan Herb Conference in Lansing.  I met some wonderful people, renewed friendships, and listened to some excellent presentations.  I also purchased four lovely old herbals which I can't wait to find time to read.

     Yesterday, I visited the Indy Winter Farmer's Market, which was great fun.  It brought back all the wonderful old memories of my fourteen years of doing the Bloomington Farmers Market, meeting people, sharing products and stories, and all the bonding that occurs.  However, I was glad I didn't have to load and unload trucks....just carried home my seeds, cheeses, and devoured a delicious hot cross bun!  Then it was off to do some shopping for fabrics to use in barn displays, which are coming along nicely.  I still need to make some signs, curtains, and pillows for some areas.  It was lovely to see bright green fields of winter wheat along I69 on the trip home, and all the hawks sitting on the road signs, fences, and trees.

     Well, that's it for today.  I'm going to make some tea, then take a stroll around the gardens before I begin in the greenhouse to see if anything else is emerging or blooming.  My friend, Big Sue already reports hellebores and lungworts, as well as lots of spring bulbs in her garden.  I console myself by a reminder that she is further south, and on a lake that helps mediate temperature, I think.