Carolee's Herb Farm

Carolee's Herb Farm

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June 29 Garden Journal Print E-mail

We've had a stretch of hot, sunny days that has allowed me to spend long, long days weeding and mulching the gardens, planting new lavender varieties, and watching for rain.  After a very wet April, May became quite dry, with only tiny showers a couple of evenings.  I'm already tired of dragging hoses and carrying water cans!

     However, the plants themselves love all the sunshine and warm temperatures.  Change is apparent on a daily basis, which is one of the things I love best about gardening.  Each morning when I sip my cup of breakfast tea and wander through the gardens, different plants steal the highlights.  Right now, many of the daylilies and phlox are in full bloom.  The Oriental lilies in the Sunrise garden are stunning, the Luxury Lace daylilies in the front barn beds are gorgeous, and the wine cups trailing and winding throughout the Cottage Garden are charming.  Dozens and dozens of other plants are blooming....coreopsis, gaillardia, daisies, betony and filipendula are all adding to the picture, but you have to admit, the daylilies steal the show, a bit earlier than usual this year.  Normally, my daylilies begin in early July.

      In spring, I always think "This is my favorite time in the garden....when the daffodils, hellebores, lungworts, primulas and pansies are thriving."  Then May comes, with its peonies and hardy geraniums and irises and it's so lovely that I think, "Well, maybe May is best."  However, when June creeps in with her roses and lavenders, and all the annuals are beginning to burst with color, I am overwhelmed with the beauty.

     The heat has brought the lavenders into bloom, and the field is glowing with blooms from white to dark purple.  I planted several new varieties in the field this week:  Thumbelina Leigh, Andreas, Peter Pan, Little Lottie, Sussex, Norfolk, Gros Bleu, Blue Mountain, Pacific Pink, Violet Intrigue, Fring Favorite, Pale Pretender, Impress Purple, Fiona English, and Joan Head.  Then I added a few that I'd grown in pots last year, but never got planted:  Blue River, Blue Scent, Edelweiss, Purple Bouquet and Potpourri White.  Then I planted more stock plants of Cedar Blue and Richard Gray.  We've already begun making wreaths and will begin to hang bunches in the barn this week.

    This week has brought cooler temperatures, so I'm hoping the lavandins will slow a bit, and still be blooming for Lavender Dazed on July 11 & 12.  I still have lots of weeding to do, and the Moonlight Garden is yet to be mulched, so I'd better get moving.  I can't wait to see what new daylily has opened and how much the peaches on the miniature patio trees have grown overnight!  Happy gardening and herbal blessing to you all!