Carolee's Herb Farm

Carolee's Herb Farm

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May 7, 2006 Print E-mail
Several beautiful days in a row have really brought changes to the gardens. The trees seemed to leaf out fully overnight! Suddenly the shade gardens are actually shaded again. The early bulbs are gone, and the last of the tulips are brilliant. I love my orange lily tulips. They look great with the deep purple dwarf irises, the American columbine, and the early gold irises that are just beginning. Although I am behind on deadheading the hundreds of daffodils, my deck garden still looks pretty darn good!
In the Enchanted Forest, native plants are growing so quickly that if I don't get out there and remove the fairy day decorations soon, I won't be able to find them! The lungworts, hellebores, primulas, and bleeding hearts look beautiful. Only one little forget me not made it through the winter, but I'm not surprised since I got them in so late. This little gal will self-seed though, and next year, I should have plenty of cheery blue blooms. I love them, because they replace the needed blue once the scilla, then the grape hyacinths are gone.
The exotic tree peonies east side of the Cottage are beginning to bloom, with their giant flowers. I should have put a support around them, as the blooms are so heavy. The deep purple alliums in the Purple Garden are beginning to open, and add a magical effect there.
It amazes me how good some of the gardens can look, when I haven't planted a single thing yet this year! Hopefully, we can begin putting in the annuals and news plants this coming week. I can't wait for the college kids to get back to take over the watering, so I can get things done on my job list!