Carolee's Herb Farm

Carolee's Herb Farm

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January 1, 2009 Print E-mail
It just seems impossible that another year is beginning already! Where did November and December go? At least 2009 is off to a beautiful start. Thanks to a heads-up from my friend, Bob, we saw the gorgeous new moon and two planets last evening and it was definitely worth braving the cold. Now today, we have a beautiful, sunny , albeit chilly (actually downright COLD, 28 degrees, but a STIFF wind) day. I'd like to stay inside and hibernate, but the wind has blown some screens off the gazebo. If we don't replace them, we soon have birds sheltering in there, and while I have sympathy for their desire to find a haven out of the wind, I have a stronger desire to not have to scrub bird do-do off the floor and furniture! I'll also venture over to the greenhouse, and maybe even plop in a few seeds since it is sunny. I also want to turn a couple more pots of amaryllis up and give them a drink. They've been resting for over six weeks in a dry, dark place. As soon as they show a bit of growth, I'll bring them into the house and put them on a sunny window. I'll also bring a styrofoam cooler (to protect them on their short journey) of any plants that look especially nice to cheer up the house since the Christmas decorations will be coming down this week. There are several pretty primroses, a gorgeous rosemary, and a pineapple sage in bloom. The foliage of the Rex begonias always look nice, and I'll bring a pot of parsley and chives in for the kitchen windowsill. Since I have room on the propagating mat right now, I may go ahead and start a few more begonias. They are so easy to do from leaf cuttings, especially with bottom heat. Once I start seeding in earnest again, the mats will be too full of seeds that require that heat, so I should do it now.

I've been enjoying browsing through the stack of seed catalogs that always arrive this time of year. It always makes me want to till a huge space for a massive vegetable garden like I had when the kids were all home, and we were doing farmers' markets. There are so many new, and re-introduced heirloom varieties that tempt me. But, until I can find some additional employees that are willing to weed, and actually know what to weed out, I already have plenty of gardens to care for, without adding more!

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to be a better communicator for you, to be more timely with the garden journal, and to try to answer more of your questions, to provide more really useful information. If you see me lagging, zap an e-mail reminder, and I will be thankful! Hugs to you all, Blessings as we begin another year together, and may the winter be short, wherever you are! Carolee