Carolee's Herb Farm

Carolee's Herb Farm

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April 30th Garden Journal Print E-mail

     It's another blustery, rainy day, with many more in the forecast.  This has been a challenging spring, not only for gardeners, most of whom have not been able to till or plant yet, but also for farmers!  Normally by now in central Indiana we can see rows of corn seedlings across the fields, and the farmers are busily planting soybeans.  So far though, I haven't seen a single planted field at all!

     I also worry about the fruit crop.  Our apple, cherry and pear trees have been in full bloom, but I'm sure on many days the pollen has been washed away.  And, when it is raining, the bees can't be out pollinating.  Already many of the blossoms have fallen, and I'm wondering how many of them were pollinated so they can produce a fruit.

     We have had a couple of nice days, but either to windy to be really pleasant, or already fully scheduled so I couldn't spend them in the garden.  The result is that most of my gardens have not been tended.  The Cottage Garden is pretty, but many of the daffodils and the cute guinea flowers are already finished blooming.  The Fairy Garden and Enchanted Forest were planted last week, so they are looking good, but again, the spring bulbs are finishing.  I hate to see them go.  They are so bright and cheerful.

     I'm enjoying the redbuds and the lilacs.  Our flowering shrubs arrived, and some of them are blooming prettily.  I brought two dwarf lilacs into the shop, just so I could enjoy the aroma!

     Since I can't garden, I'm catching up transplanting and labeling.  The weather is finally warm enough that I could move lots more tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, and okra to the sales areas.  I'm also moving lots more flowering annuals outdoors to harden off.  It's a busy, busy time of year!