Dec 16 Garden Journal Print

It's mid-December, and so far the weather hasn't been too bad (knock wood!)  The hardneck garlic is still growing chunky roots underground, because the soil hasn't really frozen solid 4" deep yet.  The late planted fall bulbs are also having an opportunity to grow roots.  However, unfrozen soil also means that moles are still active, and the mice and voles that use their tunnels to move from one tasty bulb to another are having a buffet.  So, actually, I'm really ready for temperatures to fall enough to freeze the soil about 12" deep and then keep it that way until all the wildlife vacate the area!

     The seeds I began planting in November are sprouting, and I'm planting at least one day a week now.  I don't know where I'm going to put everything.  Once again, my "must plant" is far outgrowing the amount of space that is available.  I'm going to have to figure out a way to make some vertical shelving!  I'm trying several new things, including some olive tree seeds.  I've always wanted one for the Biblical/Devotional garden.  I have a sweet olive, which is currently blooming and filling the greenhouse with a lovely sweet aroma, but I want the true olive.  Several times I've been tempted to purchase plants, but there is never a way to get them home.  Besides, I love the process of planting seeds and watching the magic happen.

     I've been taking lots of cuttings of rosemary, which always results, happily, in lots of fresh rosemary leaves to use for teas and roasted potatoes.  There's nothing more uplifting that fresh rosemary, unless its a really fragrant peppermint, which I've also been propagating.  I really love to work in the greenhouse on a sunny day, and fortunately, we've had one now and then, mixed with the usual overcast gray skies.

     For those of you who have been worried about Wicca, you'll be happy to know that she is recovering finally from her little run in with a car.  I've been telling her she is too old to be out running beside an automobile.  I suspect her reaction time is not as quick as it once was, and she is beginning to get cataracts, which might cloud her distance perception.  Anyway, her leg with the bone chip and severed tendon is finally free of infection and healing, the other scraps and bruises are looking much better, too.  I thank God every day for such a faithful friend, and the talented veterinarians who were able to heal her.

     I've been mailing out lots of website orders, and trying to get Christmas cards finished before I get busy baking. I did get some greenery cut, so the house smells like the outdoors.  I hope all of you are taking a little time to enjoy the music and the season.  Herbal blessings, Carolee