Farewell to 2009 Print

It's the closing hours of 2009, but I am thinking more of 2010.  Yesterday, I had to go to the greenhouse supply store to purchase a case of 100 seedling flats, more plastic domes, and more potting soil.  I'm spending most of my "brain time" trying to work out details for workshops, events and articles for next season.  After all, we've already had our shortest day of the year, and the days are getting longer!  Spring can't be too far away, can it???

     I look at the upcoming weeks on my calendar, and know that there is barely time to finish the joblist that is on my clipboard for January, let alone February.  It must be that I am getting older, and moving slower.  Or, is it that the world is moving faster???

     We'll be at the Illinois Herb Day in Champaign-Urbana on January 16 with a booth filled with lots of new items.  If you haven't attended this event before, make an attempt.  IT's worth the trip, and the reservations fill quickly.

     For all of you who have been asking, "Yes! I am writing!"   Herbal Choices, the sequel to Herbal Beginnings is over half-finished.  However, since the transplanting season is already breathing down my neck, I have no idea how soon it will be finished.  Just keep a watch on the website.  I'll be leaving for the monstrous gift marts in January, selecting lots of wonderful new items for the shop, so that cuts into writing time.  And, the spring newsletter must be written and the website updated, which means schedules must be finalized and workshop and event details nailed down.  Too much to do, too little time, that constant complaint.

    For now, though, I wish all of you the "Happiest of New Years!"  May 2010 be filled with blessings for each of you, your loved ones, and our country!